1888 Industrial Services
SEO Case Study
The benefit of Search Engine Optimization is that it channels internet users to your website without relying on advertising or other paid traffic. Two ways that SEO achieves this are through organic keyword searches and referrals from other domains or websites.
This case study of a construction services provider tracks how our SEO strategy improved the client’s overall visibility by 30%, and enhanced quality engagement with their website.
Campaign Planning & Execution
From September of 2020 to May of 2021, we increased the number of referring domains and URLs by 814%. You can see that this represents a huge step up in just a few months.

Thanks to our efforts, the overall domain rating of our client’s website rose dramatically from a place in the millions to just a few thousand—a massive boost in ranking and subsequent visibility.

By design, we supplemented our efforts to drive traffic with organic keywords. As you can see below, there was a lot of room to maximize potential!

Another way of looking at this growth is how many internet searches the client’s website was getting left out of. One goal of our SEO strategy is to increase the number of relevant searches the website shows up in, because these are the searches that ultimately lead to new business for the client. Note the keywords in the following table marked “New.” Prior to our work, the client’s website would not have appeared in organic searches for these terms.

The clear result to improving referrals and keyword search results is visibility. Here are the gains over six months at a glance:

For a client such as a construction business, logistics play an important role. It’s critical that online outreach overlaps with a regional customer base. We made it a priority to ensure that our client, headquartered in Greeley, CO, was highly visible in their city and the surrounding areas.

Showing up in organic searches isn’t enough, however. We want to be sure that potential customers who find our client’s website are following through in some meaningful way. One way of evaluating this follow-through is to compare how many users click through to the webs ite (clicks) after encountering it in a search (impressions).

The solid lines represent impressions and clicks over the previous period. With our SEO strategy in place, we saw increases of 28% for clicks and 1785% for impressions!
With visibility and clicks both up by approximately 30%, we can rest assured that we’re seeing a solid correlation between our SEO and user engagement. But we want to be sure that we’re seeing quality engagement for our client.
To make certain we’re seeing quality engagement, we look at new traffic and bounce rate (the incidence of users who abandon a website after viewing a single page). We can observe here that new users increased by almost 20%, while the bounce rate remained lower than 50%.

The bottom line is that following our SEO implementation, new user traffic to the client’s website increased, while a majority of all visitors engaged in some way.
Thanks to our focus on previously unused keywords, the website is showing increased traffic in a relatively short time.