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Fort Collins Warehouse Liquors
SEO Case Study
Search Engine Optimization is a constantly evolving tool, and while improvements to the whole may serve to streamline the process, they can also result in temporary setbacks to your brand’s online visibility and engagement. Maintaining (and improving) your brand’s SEO means staying ahead of changes that can diminish the web presence of your business. In this case study we look at how changes in Google’s AI had short-term negative effects on a local liquor retailer. Rather than implement a quick fix, we invested major efforts into best practices that had lasting positive results. Here’s a look at how we did it.
In 2020, Google implemented changes to its algorithms with the intent to red uce the number of low-quality keywords and backlinks in circulation. The result was that many brands witnessed a drop in their SEO ratings. Efforts to quickly replenish lagging engagement due to lost links and keywords often proved ineffective, since these too were simply overridden. Our client, a retail liquor business, had been stagnating in terms of SEO. Through consistent efforts to reestablish quality backlinks, we were able to stabilize the client’s SEO in the short term, and achieve major growth in the long run.
The SEO Audit
One of the first things we do with all new clients is to perform an SEO audit of their website. We look at current traffic, keyword opportunities , backlinks, anchor text, and more. Below are some of the initial statistics for the client’s website, beginning in March 2021:

Here we can see the website’s ranking as reported by Ahrefs, the number of backlinks that direct users to the site, the number of domains that contain at least one link back to the site, as well as the number of organic keywords and site’s traffic value (the equivalent cost of achieving similar traffic through paid advertising). See how these statistics improve in just a few short months, and on into the present.

Not only have the number of quality backlinks and keywords been increased significantly, but the site’s overall ranking has leapt up by more than 37 million.
Campaign Planning & Execution
As we noted earlier, one of the biggest detractors to the client’s website was a lack of backlinks. Additionally, we faced the added challenge of Google’s more stringent requirements. The straightforward, though difficult solution, was to build a new foundation of quality backlinks that would drive traffic in this new context. This was no quick-fix, but a major remodel to the client’s SEO. But as the work progressed, our labors bore fruit.

Here we see the initially low number of domains that have some link back to our client’s website. Once we begin our work in March, improvement occurs gradually, then profoundly over the course of the next few months. Our other focus was to optimize keyword potential. See the following results for how we enhanced the website’s visibility for top keywords in the targeted region. We improved the site’s position with respect to the top keywords, and achieved visibility of 90% or better in an overwhelming majority of cases.

How do these various indicators of growth translate into overall success? Let’s have another look at some metrics for the website’s performance overall. This client first signed up with us in March 2021 so you can see a perfect example of what can happen when you are patient. They didn’t see a major uptick in traffic until September, but as you can see below, the result is worth seeing the strategy through. Their organic traffic exploded from 138 to over 1,100 views per month. More people are now visiting their website, calling, and coming to their store.

This company isn’t currently paying for digital ads. But the free traffic they’re receiving is valued at $1,515. In other words, that’s how much they’d have to spend on digital ads to get the same amount of traffic to their site! We helped increase their traffic value from around $70 in March 2021 to over $1,500 in November 2021.

Of course, web traffic is well and good, but the client’s business is a brick and mortar store. So how can we be certain that higher web traffic translates to increased business? A good way of connecting these dots is to look at the actual traffic to the store, via a simple comparison of how many users sought out directions to physical retail locations before and after our SEO work.

The bold line, indicating the increase in users seeking out a physical retail location, speaks for itself.
As we’ve seen, the current SEO climate privileges quality over quantity. What’s worked in the past may no longer be optimal, so consider a consultation to determine your SEO needs. Our best-selling SEO service leverages the most up-to-date practices to enhance your brand. We focus on the metrics that will develop your business both now and in the long term. Every business is different, and that’s why we work with you to set up a custom strategy that will affect the outcome you need. Get in touch today, and let’s get started!


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